These things seem to come around faster each year. This time it’s twenty-one. If you’re in Tampa, text me and we can go out for a drink sometime.
I just checked and this is the third year in a row I have marked this day in this weblog [19, 20]. All of the posts have the same title, which I think says something about how I write.
I have been on an unsubscription binge the past few days. Friendster, Ryze, Classmates and several others have all gone away. Also been purging subscriptions to non-frequent newsletters. I’m not sure what the catalyst was, but I think it was all the unnecessary emails that these services create. I really don’t care what’s new this week with service X.
Surprisingly most companies have made it easy to opt-out/cancel. Easier than I had thought anyway.
After being one of the first thousand TypePad users (I think since June 2003) my account has been officially cancelled. I haven’t used it in quite some time, but kept it up for posterity. See ya!