Sweet sweet irony: “A California Energy Commission study estimated wind turbines in the Altamont kill 881 to 1,300 birds of prey a year, including as many as 116 federally protected golden eagles.”
Really handy tool to calculate distances with Google Maps. I am using this to see mileage savings for different routes to locations I frequent.
Lots of updates in this release, including AJAX goodness.
Some of these photos are way more interesting than the ones coming off the wire.
Great photo. I have often wondered the story behind people holding signs like that.
After talking with Claria about a huge buyout deal, Microsoft is now advising its users to ignore Claria’s spyware. This is sick.
Someone across the bridge from me got busted for using someone else’s wireless router to get internet access. It begs the question as to what the accused actually stole. Unlike something from a garage, internet access isn’t a physical asset. Nor was any p