Backup solution

Filed under: Rant | 1 Comment

I was tired of not having really complete backups (burning DVDs is a pain, and it is only good for backing up hard to replace stuff like the Library, photos and email). So I went ahead and ordered an 80GB FireLite drive to mirror the PowerBook to nightly. It should be here Tuesday. The new drive will cover me in case of theft/damage, but I’ll still be screwed if the house burns down when no one is here. At least it’s progress.

The FireLite series is great–so small, powered by FireWire and decently priced. If you want to see for yourself, Apple Stores carry them I believe.

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One Response to “Backup solution”

  1. Mike C. says:

    I back up to my Linux box, which has a 120G RAID 1 array. It also has a tape backup, so I can back up my powerbook home folder to tape as well. I also have several external firewire drives which I back up my home folder to.

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