JavaScript coder needed [updated]

Filed under: Web/Tech | 1 Comment

I need a quick solution to a pretty common task, there is most likely a freely had pre-made solution, but I don’t know enough of what the keywords are to bother searching. I need a menu system like eBay uses for categories.

eBay’s is a tad overkill for me–I just want users to pick X Y or Z and then A B or C for each, and then maybe D E or F. All I need is a working example, I’ll plug in my own info. If you point me to an existing solution that I end up using, I’ll PayPal you $25. If you want to go ahead and write something, or hack it together (and can prove it), I’ll PayPal you $50. It should be easy money either way.

If you need more info, drop a comment.

Update: I found a workable solution. It’s located here, but I had to hack it to work (it was tied to only have branching for one category). Let me know if you want the code.

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One Response to “JavaScript coder needed [updated]”

  1. Tomas says:

    I’m not up to making one myself right now, but here’s an URL demonstrating the behaviour you’re looking for:

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