Introducing the “emo” keyword

Filed under: Personal | 2 Comments

eBay wants to be a hipster. Heh. Three years ago, you had to explain emo everytime you used it outside of the close knit circle of friends from whence it came. Times change. Multi-nationals now have dedicated eCommerce pages for emo.

Want to make a few quick bucks? Go to the thrift store and buy up some cool shirts at $.25. Spend an hour taking pics and putting up eBay listings and in 5 days, the shirts will all go for > $5 (some in the $10$30 range). Just make sure to stock the listing with “hipster“, “emo“, and “vintage” to get the best results. A hot model doesn’t hurt. Just remember that you’re selling to the kids that pay $30 for a shirt in the mall. Buying thrift store stuff at 2000% markup is nearly a steal.

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2 Responses to “Introducing the “emo” keyword”

  1. Adelyn says:

    Ha. Sell your red hot My Hotel Year shirt and say its brand new, unused, along with emo poses, not forgetting a pair of thick-framed glasses, then markup to 3967238263%. That’ll be so hot.

  2. Jon Gales says:

    Heh. It’s Denison Marrs I believe… But I do have a red MHY as well.

    Too bad they are both almost worn out. 🙁

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